Thursday 6 October 2016

St. Francis Xavier "FEAST"

St. Francis Xavier, referred to as "Goencho Saib" (Lord of Goa) by Goans, is the Patron Saint of Goa. The Feast of St. Francis Xavier is a feast held every year on the 3rd of December - the day he was buried - after nine days of prayer, called the Novena. The Feast of St. Francis Xavier hosts a variety of ceremonies to honor the Saint's death. The silver chest containing the relics of the Saint is kept at the Cathedral for the veneration and kissing of devotees for he exposition.

Over 2 lakhs devotees from across the country as well as overseas attend the Feast, which has a Pontifical Mass executed by a congregation of superior clergy.

The whole set-up is changed overnight during the yearly novenas and Feast of St. Francis Xavier. Pilgrims come together on the Born Jesus Basilica from far-away Kerala and Tamil Nadu, from neighboring Karnataka and Maharashtra, as well as from the most distant corners of the Peninsula, and even from distant countries. The crowd reaches its zenith on the Feast day when all the roads in Goa lead to the Basilica. Thousands of people assemble to Old Goa on the occasion of the Feast on St. Francis Xavier and make a mock of the transport system that is provided disgustingly insufficient to cope with the rush. The gardens and wide open spaces that are generally deserted are, during these days, crowded with pilgrims symbolizing the whole mosaic of Indian races and religions. St. Francis Xavier is often conjured up by his followers for his curative powers. 

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